Saturday, June 1, 2013


Sadly, the Dogfights! project is currently cancelled. I suppose there is a small chance of revival, but don't count on it.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 1, 2013


Well, it was bound to happen. The Cobra Wargames team is now completely sucked into the game of Axis and Allies. Cobra Wargames completely supports using any figures from A&A to play our games.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


For games inside Cobra Wargames, I think several factions should be created. Each faction would have a different symbol and color scheme. Even with our WWII miniatures, I may add the paint jobs to some of our planes. With this post I announce the first and my personal faction: The LUS or Legion of United Serpents. Their colors usually include light or lime green and shades of black or red. Have fun trying to guess their symbol!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

F6F Hellcat Squadron has Arrived

Hey, everyone! I just finished making four F6F Hellcats with landing gear for a squadron. They are shown here on a wood block aircraft carrier. Sorry for the poor lighting.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Zero is Out!

Alright! The "Zero" has been released as a template for everyone to build! This means that we now have enough templates out to play a small game! Head on over to Dogfights Wargame Central to download the template.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Dogfights Website Link

Here is the link to the Dogfights website:

Dogfights website

Due to the blog not being able to post documents, a website is currently under construction for Dogfights the game. The rules, stat cards, and mini models will be posted on it as downloads. A website link will be provided when the website is open, but for now it's on construction